Australia Day Lamb Ad | 2021
The annual Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) lamb advertisement is greeted with almost as much anticipation as the public holiday itself.
In Janaury 2021 the global COVID-19 pandemic was still very current for many of us. The ad plays to this by suggesting it's time to break down the walls between the various states of Australia. The states being New South Wales (New South Wall), Queensland (The Sunshine State), Tasmania etc. The "walls" being closed state borders restricting our movement across the country.

Marketing Cube is not associated with Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA). They're not a client, they've never been a client.
We've simply shared the ad here as part of a blog post in November 2023. We're not associated with their agency, The Monkeys part of Accenture Interactive, creators of the advertisement.

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