Learn How To Add Value Through A Positive Social Message
Understanding The 5 Pillars of
Social Marketing

1. Just by listening to social conversations, brand marketers can produce content tailored to what is trending and what the audience considers valuable.

2. To act on engagement you need to fully understand the behaviours of your audience. Provide them with the right tools to help grow the relationship and the connection.

3. Time to make use of marketing communications. Align the marketing strategy to include social influencers who can spread your message virally. Use these positive figures to drive your messages and provide content based on your products and services

4 & 5 ....Download the Social Marketing white paper to read further

Keeping up with social change can be a challenging time.  However, having tactics and strategies in place will enable the brand marketer to meet these challenges head on.

With marketers placing a high value on social media content, it is critical to gain an edge in the digital landscape and be seen as a leader in their industry.
"The average user spends 1.72 hours per day on social platforms, which represents about 28% of all online activity (6 hours a day on average)"
- Global Web Index, 2015 
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Extending the Social Conversation
"Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust.Trust drives revenue."
- Andrew Davis, Monumental Shift
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